Volume 4, Number 2
April 2005

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Cumulative Index

The Candidates Speak

From the Editor
Going Forward's Letter to Candidates
Chairman   Russ Bakke and Sander Rubin
First Vice Chairman  Dan Burg and Jim Werdell
Second Vice Chairman   Tony Jackowski, Scott Rainey,
   and Elissa Rudolph

Regional Vice Chairman Question

Region 1   Marghretta McBean and Walter Wakefield
Region 5   Lewis Gosnell and Mike Seigler
Region 6   Stan Alluisi and Ray O'Connor
Region 9   Karen Bauernschmidt, Henry Miller,
   and Joanna Soper

GF Staff

Whole issue in PDF format

Going Forward is a private publication, and is not associated with American Mensa, Ltd. or Mensa International, Ltd. All opinions expressed herein are those of the authors and not necessarily those of the editors or officers of any Mensa group or entity; Mensa as an organization has no opinions. Anonymous submissions will not be published; pseudonyms may be used upon request. All letters going to the editor's address will be considered for publication unless otherwise indicated (NFP). Unsigned material is by the editorial staff. Permission is granted to any Mensa publication to quote or reprint material from this publication, except where specifically reserved to individual contributors by notice of copyright. All quotations and reprinted material must credit the author, the editor and Going Forward; in the case of material used in local group newsletters, two courtesy copies are respectfully requested. Going Forward is not published on a set schedule, and is subsidized by donations, which should be sent to its Treasurer, Allen Neuner, 21 Southside Ave., Somerville, NJ 08876-3209. Questions or comments about Going Forward should be directed to its Editor, LeAnne Porter; questions or comments about this website should be directed to Richard Amyx. Publisher: The Going Forward Collective. Circulation Manager: LeAnne Porter. Art Director: Jon Lundeen. Article Solicitor: Helen Lee Moore. Copy Checker: Angie Richardson. E-List Master: Peg Shambo. Staff Writer: Carl Howes. Vol. 4, No. 1 posted March 11, 2005.